
オオタカ ― 同じところで,2024年

オオタカ Accipiter gentilis 年が明けて,散歩コース途中の河原で,また オオタカ Accipiter gentilis を見つけました。昨年の11月に見たタカと同じ個体でしょうか。

― At the beginning of the new year, while I was taking a walk, I found a goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis ) on the riverside. I think it's the same hawk I saw last November. This area is probably a hunting ground or territory for this hawk. If so, I think I'll be able to see it from time to time. I'm looking forward to the next walk. 

記: 2024-01-27   編: 2024-01-30  
撮影: 2024-01-05; SONY WX350, Sony Lens G F3.5-6.5/4.3-86,  f/6.5 1/250s -2/3ev ISO100  

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